Coming Soon!
Not So Patently
Obvious: The Brief History of Patenting Software in the
U.S. and Europe and the Trouble with Patents in the Digital
Stasik, Eric 2003. Patent
or Perish: A Guide for Gaining and Maintaining Competitive
Advantage in the Knowledge Economy, North Carolina,
USA: Althos (ISBN 0-972-80533-8) |
Stasik, Eric 2004: Strategic
Patent Planning for Software Companies: A Look at Some
Current Patent and Licensing Strategies at Both Ends of
the Software Spectrum: Microsoft and Apache North Carolina,
USA: Althos (ISBN 0-974-xxxxx) |
Stasik, Eric 2003: Practical
Patent Strategies used by Successful Companies, North
Carolina, USA: Althos (ISBN 0-974-69433-9) |
Rich (editor) 2004. IP Telephony Dictionary, North
Carolina, USA: Althos (ISBN 0-974-27871-8)
Stasik is a contributor and co-author.) |
Click on the
cover icons to the left to be re-directed to the publisher's
page for each book. |

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